12 June 2010

mengapa eh??

just wonfering la weh,
why i love to think negative in every perspective or situation in front me.
why i always think im a loser?
why i must do someting stupid+anoyyig to atract and get attention by other,and in the end of the days,
people talks shit back to me.
i always merendah diri.
xda keyakinan.
kuat merungut.
main bnyak.
damn,what the hell is going on with me..
 im totally freak out with myself.
im not that kind of person dulu,masa high school.
im strong,nakal,out spoken,loveable by people,
now i always make myself sick.
why2,why im still negative even now.
damn,i need..
not dodol,not sa8,not hujan,not eton.
sepatutnya saadatul mustaqim=kebahagian berkekalan.
i never feel like that,ati x tenang,try very hard to look fine,but im not.
im afraid to take chances,to jump of the edge,to b someone that i dream off.
to many things yang nak di-edit.
to many things yang nak di betulkan.
why im emo,rrrrrr..
xda permulaan n akhiran.
if i keep thiibgking and think.
i can b insane,sewel.
YA Allah kuatkan la hambamu ini,menempuhi dugaan-Mu.